Studio adress:
Place Lehon 8, Schaerbeek , Belgium

support as supposed  

September 2021
Curator: Karen Verschooren
Solo show
‘Support as supposed’
STUK, Leuven, BE

When an object carries experience; Jan Duerinck mediates meaning in different materialities. When objects are stripped of their obvious functionality, they ask to be placed in context anew. Banality thus becomes the subject of reflection. Nothing just is, or is only what it is. In his solo exhibition, he zooms in on pins.

Painting of twelve hairpins in a set (Acrylics on canvas, 170 x 200 cm, 2021)
A single cotter pin, casted (IN SITU. Concrete, steel, 325 x 97 x 55 cm, 2021)
A single cotter pin, casted (IN SITU. Concrete, steel, 325 x 97 x 55 cm, 2021)
Six hairpins in a plane, repeated eight times (Plaster, jutte, 360 x 110cm, 2020)

Six hairpins in a plane, repeated eight times (Plaster, jutte, 360 x 110cm, 2020)

Seven pins in a set. (3D printed steel, ± 2 x 8 x 1cm, 2021)
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