2013 BA Interior design, Sint-Lukas, Brussels, BE
2016 MA Visual arts, LUCA, Brussels, BE

Selected solo and duo presentations
2023 Nee, nee, gewoon zo snel mogelijk zonder stress!
(Art Au Centre, Liège, BE) solo, curator: Maxime Moinet
2022 Even a stopped clock is right two times a day
(Les Brasseurs, Liège, BE) duo w. Bram Van Breda
2021 Support as supposed 
(STUK, Leuven, BE) solo, curator: Karen Verschooren
2020 Pigeonholed
(Off the, grid, Leuven, BE) duo show w. Jonas Beckers

Selected group presentations
2023 Of, Off, Offf
(After After, Art Brussels Off-program, Brussels, BE)
2021 De Geleefde Stad 
(Pilar, Brussels, BE)
2020 Lenteworst 
(Cas-co, Leuven, BE)
2019 Into Limbo 
(Off the, grid, Leuven, BE)

Interview with Sammy Ben Yakoub (Dutch, 2021): verzamelingen/studio-podcasts/jan-duerinck
Instagram for more images:

For all inquiries you can email me at: